Want to Stop Smoking?

Do you want to stop smoking?   Or do you need to?   This may seem like I am asking you the same question, there is only one word different:  want versus need!    Similar questions, but a huge difference in the results you will attain no matter what ‘stop smoking system’ you use.

I have been helping people stop smoking in Brisbane and across Australia for 15 years.  One thing I have learnt is that if a smoker feels he ‘needs’ to stop smoking – regardless of the reason – results vary enormously.  Why?   Because we will always find the money, time, and resources to do the things we want or enjoy doing.

My stop smoking hypnosis program has been perfected over the past decade and works every time for those who want to quit.  When you have a reason to succeed, want the result, hypnosis makes the process easy.

4 Step Process to Stop smoking

There are 4 steps to my process.   It is no surprise to know that the first step is:  Do You Want to Stop Smoking?    Why?    Very simple, very essential.  We are protective of our reputation, and we don’t want to disappoint our clients, so we make sure they actually want the result.  By doing this we can offer a Lifetime Guarantee, so we can help you be breathing fresh air for the rest of your life.

Myths About Hypnosis

The second step: is simply explaining to your what hypnosis is.  We outline what your part of the process is.  It is essential you understand that you have a Hypnosis works on your unconscious thoughtsrole to play in your success.  Our job is to ensure that we dispel all the myths and misconceptions about hypnosis, so you are relaxed and trust the process.   The most asked question we are asked is: ‘Will you make me dance like a chicken?’  No, this is a trick for stage hypnotists.  While we could do it, we work in the field of therapy, not entertainment.

The Habit of Smoking

Step 3 is all about your smoking habit.  You see everyone who smokes has built a habit around their smoking.  Think about what else you do when you have a smoke.   Do you drink coffee, or have a beer with your mates?   Perhaps, you smoke when you drive, or when you need space to think?  Or it could be after meals, watching TV, bored, lonely.  There are many reasons.  Every smoking habit is unique.  We find out your triggers so we change unlink them from the habit of smoking.

Stop Smoking Hypnotherapy

The final step is where your therapist’s expertise comes into play.   The hypnotherapy is personalised for you and your smoking habit.   60 minutes later you will be feeling relaxed and wondering where the last hour went to.

You will be given some homework.  This is an essential part of the process.   An MP3 will be sent to your phone.  Listen to the recording once a day for 30 days.  Essential.  Why?  Our hypnosis process takes your smoking habit and ‘flips it’ over and changes it to a ‘breathing fresh air’ habit.  This recording reinforces the hypnosis and rebuilds the neural pathways in your subconscious mind and ‘hacks’ the smoking habit and changes this to taking deep breathes.  Easy.

Like a Said at the beginning:   If you WANT to stop smoking – this therapy will work for you.

Book your appointment    Check out Steve Gardiner on Facebook