Smoking has a major harmful influence on the body, regardless of whether a person smokes five cigarettes or two packs per day. Over thousands of chemicals are emitted when cigarettes are burned, many of them are carcinogenic.

The cells inside the lungs are damaged by these substances. The body strives to repair the damage when the wounded cells become inflamed and swollen. As the body strives to repair the damage produced by smoking, normal, healthy lung tissue may be torn down throughout that process.

Harmful Chemicals Released by Smoking and its Effects on Body

Highly damaging chemicals are released when a person smokes. It not only affects the person but also the surroundings. The chemicals and their effects are mentioned below:-

  • Nicotine

It causes your veins and arteries to narrow. This can harm your heart by causing it to work harder and faster, slowing your blood and depriving your feet and hands of oxygen.

  • Carbon Monoxide

It holds your heart of the oxygen it needs to circulate blood throughout your body. Your airways swell over time, allowing less air to enter your lungs.

  • Tar

It is a brownish-sticky substance that stains teeth, fingernails, and lung tissue.

  • Ammonia And Formaldehyde

It irritates and may cause inflammation to your eyes, nose, and throat.

  • Radioactive Chemicals

Smoking releases radioactive compounds that are carcinogenic. It causes your cells to develop too quickly or excessively which can lead to the formation of cancer cells.

You are never too late or too early to seek professional help to quit smoking for your betterment. We are equipped with all the possible help to get you out of this habit.

Dangers of Not Quitting Smoking

Smoking exposes your lungs, blood, and organs to hundreds of chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic. Smoking has the potential to drastically reduce your longevity.In addition to the obvious cancer risks, smoking causes a slew of additional long-term health issues that necessitate constant monitoring and care.There are numerous methods for quitting smoking. When your mind is set to quit smoking, there are several ways available to help you. To be successful, you must select a smoking cessation strategy that suits your personality. No one can stop you from achieving your objective if you are emotionally and mentally prepared.

Contact Us

The damage smoking causes is inevitable but you can start now to avoid further damage. We contribute to help and make it our responsibility to reach any length to make you quit smoking. You can reach us at Stop Smoking Experts for assistance.