Hypnosis & smoking – Cost involved!

“What does it cost to quit smoking?”

This is a question everyone asks, but the answer does depend on the method you use to stop.   If you go ‘cold turkey’ and simply decide one day to stop smoking cigarettes, it is free.  Well, it doesn’t cost money!   But it can be a bit rough – the cravings, the withdrawals.  How much does that pain cost?

Then, there are Champix and similar products to deal with the side effects of withdrawals and mood swings.  There is a $$$ cost but not too expensive.   But the side effects may be more costly in the long term though.  Please do your research first.

Acupuncture achieves good results and statistically achieves a result for up to 5 years.  That is a great option.   This method is conducted over several sessions.  There is a $$$ cost depending on your location.   This is not an option for those who prefer to avoid needles.

Meditation, tapping and Mindfulness have been said to achieve amazing results but it is an ongoing process and needs to be ‘topped up’ regularly.   Again, affordable on the service.

Hypnotherapy has no side effects.  It is quick, easy and effective with proven results.  Yes, the upfront $$$ that you pay may appear to be more expensive, but our clients have saved the cost of their quitting smoking in their 60-minute session by the end of the first 10 days of being a permanent non-smoking.

 Cost of Not Stopping Smoking

All of the above methods of giving up smoking will benefit you.   Everyone who stops puffing on their cigarettes recovers the cost of whatever method they choose by adding years to their lives.   How much is that worth to you?   A lady phoned me today asking for help to stop smoking.  When I asked her – why?  Why is now the right time for you to give up smoking?  She said: “I’ve just had my 45th birthday and suddenly I thought about my life in retirement.  I can feel the effects of smoking in my body – I want to travel, see my grandchildren grow up, and have years of living when I no longer have to work!”  what a brilliant reason to get rid of smoking.   So, her appointment is booked and within days she will be a permanent non-smoker and her body will start repairing itself immediately.

What is the Cost to Keep Smoking?

The average Australian smoker spends between $6,500 and $10,000 on cigarettes every year. Just imagine what a difference that extra money could make in your budget?   We suggest to every client that comes to Quit smoking,  take your smoking money and bank it into a separate account for 1 year!  You are used to spending it so if you start immediately you quit, you will never notice the difference.   Then, on your 12 month anniversary of giving up smoking – check your account.   Sitting there is the deposit on a new car;  a family holiday;  a trip overseas;  maybe a wedding;  something special for the kids.  Its yours to imagine.     The real cost of smoking is how much money that goes up in smoke each year.  Seriously,  you know $550 is cheap to quit smoking cigarettes for good.

Quickest Cash Flow Increase

Just Imagine, if there is a way to increase your weekly cash flow.     Well, there is.   Give up the smokes and BOOM extra money to save every week.

Using our unique, proven method to give up smoking you save money and feel healthier simultaneously. The investment to Quit smoking is a $550 upfront cost, but it is offset by the lifetime of saving the money.  All you should do is ‘make a decision’ now is the right time; book your appointment by calling 1300 64 53 54 and Keep that appointment.

Stop Smoking with the Hypnosis

Your health is worth more than money.  There is nothing like the taste of fresh air hitting your lungs as you walk along a beach.   Standing enjoying a remarkable sunrise in a foreign land.  Playing ball with your kids or grandkids – walking your daughter or son down the aisle – special moments.  You don’t want to miss any of these because you got sick, or worse.

4 Easy steps to quit smoking in 60 minutesOur revolutionary 4-step quit smoking process has a GUARANTEE FOR LIFE.   There’s only a couple of T&Cs (Follow instructions and call us immediately if you feel the need to smoke – easy peasy!) Our therapy will allow you to quit, quickly without the cravings and withdrawals – You just need to WANT to QUIT.  This is a solution which you have been waiting for.   You decide!  We personalize your hypnosis.

Is it time for you to become a permanent nonsmoker, for the rest of your life?

Our Guarantee

If you are yet still wondering, the hypnosis work to quit smoking? We will also tell you the right kind now that we truly believe in the hypnotherapy systems to be quite strongly that we will make a promise. In case, for any specific reason, you feel a desire for lighting up the cigarette, you can call us instantly and we shall then reschedule another session which will be free of charge.

We really don’t beat around the bush. Also, we don’t hide the confidence that we have in our system. The unique hypnotherapy process enabling you to give up smoking works.  We are so confident in what we offer, that we back our process with a Lifetime Guarantee because we want our clients to succeed.  This Guarantee means if, you feel the urge to have a smoke, or do have a cigarette, after your smoking cessation hypnosis session AND NOTIFY US within SEVEN Days – you can come back for a follow-up session to get you back on track as a permanent non-smoker.

Plans for Payment

We provide a payment plan to help you quit when you are ready.   The payment plan is set up prior to your appointment and you set the terms with DEFERIT in 4 equal instalments.  What could be easier for you to Quit smoking today.

Contact us and call us at 1300 64 53 54 to book with us directly or simply BOOK here