Give up smoking. Hypnosis is the gentle and safe targeting of your subconscious mind to modify the fundamental reasons and triggers of your smoking addiction, as well as the safe anchoring of new behavioural patterns and ways of thinking that will help you quit smoking. Our Brisbane-based hypnotherapy clinic offers customers a simple approach to quit smoking by combining current and classic hypnosis techniques. You may quit smoking for good with just one hypnosis session. With a success record of 95.6 percent, the majority of our customers become lifelong non-smokers. It’s an incredible procedure that transforms their life for the better. Imagine! You’ll never want to smoke another cigarette again! What impact would that have on your life?

The Easy Way To Stop Smoking

Most smokers make the intentional decision to begin smoking at a young age, generally between the ages of 13 and 18. Teens begin smoking because their peers, family members, or someone they respect do. They have a sense of ‘belonging’ as a result of it. One of the most basic human wants is a sense of belonging. It has a lot of power. However, once this decision gets psychologically ingrained, it becomes a habit that is difficult to break since it is beyond of conscious control. While chemical addiction has a little part, it is impossible to successfully stop smoking without addressing these hidden factors.

Hypnotherapy for smoking cessation entails putting the person in a trance or altered state of consciousness. An individual’s mind is more susceptible to suggestion in this condition, and a direct link between conscious and unconscious behaviour may be created. Despite the myths and misconceptions surrounding hypnosis, statistics show that it has a high success rate. In fact, only acupuncture has a similar established success percentage among all techniques for quitting smoking, including medications, patches, and cold turkey. Many clients come to our hypnotherapy clinic with preconceived notions about what they’ll get out of it based on what they’ve seen on stage or on TV. Our treatment, however, is not ‘entertainment,’ but rather a scientifically established hypnosis method with a 95.6 percent success rate.

If you’re weary of patches, pills, and other treatments that haven’t worked and you can’t seem to break the hold cigarettes have on you, give stop smoking hypnosis a try. Our skilled hypnotherapists are available to assist you. We can assist you with quitting smoking.

Give us a call and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you have and walk you through our four-step process. If you’d like to come in and take a look around, schedule a complimentary appointment and come in for a conversation. We’d be delighted to assist you with quitting smoking for good.

Call us on 1300 64 53 54 and or contact us to book an appointment today.