Lifetime Guarantee

That sounds incredible, doesn’t it? We are certain that our approach to hypnotherapy will help you achieve the stop smoking success you want. Success, not for a few days or months, but for a lifetime. Our specialists are so confident in the stop smoking programme and hypnosis that we provide a lifetime warranty. We can do it because 95.6 percent of our clients are now lifelong nonsmokers, and we want you to join them!

These outcomes may appear fantastic, but being the most effective approach to QUIT, we know this can be you!

As part of our *lifetime promise, if you ever feel the need to smoke following your session, simply phone us within 7 days. Don’t put it off any longer; call us right away and your session will be free of charge, and you’ll return as a non-smoker. Simply call us back within 7 days of your smoking relapse, and we will assist you in getting back on track. That is our dedication to your success in quitting smoking!

Why Don’t We Offer A Money-back Guarantee?

A money-back guarantee, according to our experts, generates an unconscious conflict between the portions of our mind that want to stop smoking and the sections that want their money back. This means that people who aren’t sure if they want to quit may reintroduce smoking merely to get their money back. In the past, Stop Smoking Expert provided this service. According to stop smoking statistics, around 20% of people would come simply for this reason. We now provide an exclusive promise that states that if you have any cravings or the desire to smoke after your initial session and notify us promptly (within 7 days), any follow-up treatments are free as part of our lifetime guarantee. Our success rate improved as a consequence of this simple improvement, and we now have more than 95 percent of patients who have quit smoking for good. Do you aspire to be like this as well?

Finally, no stop smoking statistics could be more important to us than your success in quitting smoking for good. If you wish to quit, we will assist you with our stop programme. We want you to stop smoking and are dedicated to that aim!

So, if you’re serious about quitting and want to witness the benefits of quitting smoking, give us a call at 1300 64 53 54 or contact us immediately.