Face to Face Sessions to Quit Smoking in Brisbane

If you live in Brisbane or nearby, a face to face session will probably work best for you.   But the choice is always yours.   If you prefer face to face but have mobility issues, we can usually organise for two of our therapists to visit you in your home.

All our appointments are pre-arranged, we do not offer a ‘drop-in service!’

We schedule your appointment – which can be booked by calling 1300645454 or online via this LINK.

There is no preparation you need to do.   We ask you to fill in our Client Information Sheet.

Our Quit Smoking sessions consist of 4 steps:

  1.  Establish WHY you have decided to give up smoking at this time.    This question is important as we know that if you WANT the result (Not feel you NEED to stop smoking) then our job is easier and your result is already guaranteed.  So, we are checking out if you are ready.
  2. Educate you on what hypnosis is, what it can and can’t do, and get rid of the myths around hypnosis.  No, you can’t get ‘stuck’ in a trance!  No, we don’t make you cluck like a chicken!  No, we don’t mess with your Mind!  Hypnosis is Not sleep.    So What is hypnosis?  Hypnosis is a concentrated focus.  The truth is you drop in and out of hypnosis every day.  Every time you watch TV or watch a movie – you get hypnotised!   Every time you are learning a complex series of moves, you get hypnotised.  Hypnosis is a normal part of life.  Hypnotherapy is using this normal way of learning to change a habit, a belief or a system of doing things to gain a better result.
  3. Your habit of smoking is unique to you.   So the secret to the success of our system to discover when, why and what you are doing each time you have a cigarette.  You will be amazed to find out what triggers your smoking.  You see, it’s not so much the nicotine that is addictive.  It is your habit of smoking, like any other habit you have (good or bad) that is addictive and runs your life.  When do you smoke?  What causes you to unconsciously reach for the pack of smokes?  Is it the coffee;  emotions; boredom;  needing to think;  watching tv; on the phone; driving the car?   Some will resonate, but there will be others you can think of.   All these ‘things’ are triggers.  Triggers cause cravings and withdrawals –  the demons that make you go back to smoking!  Hypnosis stops that happening.
  4. Your session is personalised for you and 60 minutes later you will be a fresh air breathing non-smoker for the rest of your life.

Face to face sessions are best suited for people who want to stop smoking using hypnosis in the following areas:

Alexandra Hills; Birkdale; Brisbane city; Canon Hill; Capalaba; Carindale; Carina; Cleveland; Gumdale; Ipswich; Mount Cotton; Ormiston; Redland Bay; Rochedale; Thornlands; Thornside; Wakeley; Gold Coast; South East Queensland